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BT101 : Ecology, Biodiversity & Evolution-I

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

The Course Ecology Biodiversity Evolution BT101 serves as an introduction to the foundational concepts in ecology biodiversity and evolution. It provides a comprehensive study of the interrelationships between living organisms and their environment emphasizing the role of these principles in shaping the diversity of life. The course also explores the evolutionary processes that have led to the development of distinct life forms.

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to

  • Define and explain the basic principles of ecology including ecosystems trophic levels and ecological pyramids.
  • Analyze the impact of environmental factors on the phenotype of organisms and understand the dynamics of food chains and webs.
  • Assess the implications of air water land thermal radiation and noise pollution on ecosystems.
  • Evaluate the causes and consequences of pollution on a global scale and understand the greenhouse effect global warming and their contribution to climate change.
  • Evaluate the environmental impact of improper waste disposal and the importance of sustainable waste management.
  • Investigate the diversity of microbial plant and animal species and their ecological roles.

Course Calendar

1 Lecture 1- What is Ecosystem
2 Lecture 2- Living organisms can use many forms of energy, but not heat
3 Lecture 3- Producers
4 Lecture 4- Consumers
5 Lecture 5- Decomposers
6 Lecture 6- Food Chain_Energy flows through trophic levels of ecosystems
7 Lecture 7- Food web
8 Lecture 8 _ Trophic Levels & Productvity
9 Lecture 9- How trophic levels process energy
10 Lecture 10- Ecological pyramids illustrate the relationship of trophic levels
11 Lecture 11- Animals and their abiotic environment

12 Lecture 12- Temperature
13 Lecture 13- Water & Light
14 Lecture 14 - Population Growth
15 Lecture 15 - Exponential Population Growth
16 Lecture 16 - Logistics Population Growth
17 Lecture 17 - r and k selected species
18 Lecture 18 - Population Regulation
19 Lecture 19 - Communities
20 Lecture 20 - The Ecological Niche
21 Lecture 21 - The Ecological Stability
22 Lecture 22 - Herbivory
23 Lecture 23 - Predation

24 Lecture 24 - Competition
Assignment 1
25 Lecture 25 - Coevolution
26 Lecture 26 - Symbiosis
27 Lecture 27 - Parasitism
28 Lecture 28 - Camouflage-1
29 Lecture 29 - Camouflage-2
30 Lecture 30 - Camouflage-3
31 Lecture 31 - Mimicry
32 Lecture 32 - Aposematism
33 Lecture 33 - Atmosphere and its Evolution-1
34 Lecture 34 - Atmosphere and its Evolution-2
35 Lecture 35 - Composition of Atmosphere
36 Lecture 36 - Layers of Atmosphere-1

37 Lecture 37 - Troposphere-1
Quiz 1
38 Lecture 38 - Stratosphere
39 Lecture 39 - Mesosphere
40 Lecture 40 - Thermosphere & Exosphere
41 Lecture 41 - Benefits of Atmosphere
42 Lecture 42 - Carbon Cycle
43 Lecture 43 - Water Cycle -1
44 Lecture 44 - Water Cycle-2
45 Lecture 45 - Nitrogen Cycle - 1
46 Lecture 46 - Nitrogen Cycle -2
47 Lecture 47 - Phosphorous Cycle
48 Lecture 48 - Extinction and Habitat Loss
49 Lecture 49 - Destruction of Habitat -1
50 Lecture 50 - Habitat Fragmentation

51 Lecture 51 - Effects of habitat fragmentation
52 Lecture 52 - Invasive Species
53 Lecture 53 - Overexploitation
54 Lecture 54- Land pollution - 1
55 Lecture 55 - Land pollution -2
56 Lecture 56 - Water pollution - 1
57 Lecture 57 - Water pollution - 2
58 Lecture 58 - Air pollution - 1
59 Lecture 59 - Air pollution - 2
60 Lecture 60 - Light pollution
61 Lecture 61 - Noise pollution
62 Lecture 62 - Acid Rain

63 Lecture 63 - Disruption of water cycle and coastal ecosystem
64 Lecture 64 - Greenhouse effect
65 Lecture 65 - Ozone Depletion
66 Lecture 66 - Global Warming
67 Lecture 67 - Effects of Global Warming - 1
68 Lecture 68 - Effects of Global Warming-2
69 Lecture 69 - Biomagnification
70 Lecture 70 - Type of Wastewater
71 Lecture 71 - Impacts of Wastewater on Environment
72 Lecture 72 - Treatment of Wastewater - 1
73 Lecture 73 - Treatment of Wastewater - 2

74 Lecture 74 - Protection of Endangered species
75 Lecture 75 - Evolution
76 Lecture 76 - Evolution & Biogeography
77 Lecture 77 - Evolution & Palaentology
78 Lecture 78 - Evolution & Comparative Anatomy
79 Lecture 79 - Evolution & Molecular Biology
80 Lecture 80 - Lamarckism
81 Lecture 81 - History of Darwin and Voyage
82 Lecture 82 - Evidences of Theory of Natural Selection - 1
Mid term exams

83 Lecture 83 - Evidences of Theory of Natural Selection - 2
84 Lecture 84 - Evidences of Theory of Natural Selection - 3
85 Lecture 85 - Theory of Natural selection-1
86 Lecture 86 - Theory of Natural selection-2
87 Lecture 87 - Theory of Natural selection-3
88 Lecture 88 - Adaptations
90 Lecture 90 - Effects of Genetic Drift
91 Lecture 91 - Conditions of Natural Selection
92 Lecture 92 - Selection for Surviving Adaptations
93 Lecture 93 - Fitness and its Measurement
94 Lecture 94 - Interactions Among Evolutionary Forces
95 Lecture 95 - Maintenance of Variations - 1

96 Lecture 96 - Maintenance of Variations-2
Assignment 2
97 Lecture 97 - Kinds of Selection
98 Lecture 98 - Polymorphism
99 Lecture 99 - The Limits of Selection
100 Lecture 100 - Speciation - 1
101 Lecture 101 - Speciation - 2
102 Lecture 102 - Allopatric Speciation
103 Lecture 103 - Parapatric Speciation
104 Lecture 104 - Sympatric Speciation
105 Lecture 105 - Rates of Evolution
106 Lecture 106 - Molecular Evolution
107 Lecture 107 - Gene Duplication
108 Lecture 108 - Mosaic Evolution

109 Lecture 109 - Systematics and Five Kingdom System
Quiz 2
110 Lecture 110 - Cladistics
111 Lecture 111 - Domain Archaea
112 Lecture 112 - Domain Bacteria
113 Lecture 113 - Structure and Function of Prokaryotic Cell-1
114 Lecture 114 - Structure and Function of Prokaryotic Cell-2
115 Lecture 115 - Domain Eukaryota
116 Lecture 116 - Nucleus
117 Lecture 117 - Ribosome
118 Lecture 118-Endoplasmic Reticulum
119 Lecture 119 - Golgi Apparatus
120 Lecture 120 - Lysosome
121 Lecture 121 - Mitochondria -1

122 Lecture 122 - Mitochondria -2
123 Lecture 123 - Peroxisomes
124 Lecture 124 - Chloroplast
125 Lecture 125 - Cytoskeleton-1
126 Lecture 126 - Cytoskeleton-2
127 Lecture 127 - Protists
128 Lecture 128 - Phylum Mastigophora - 1
129 Lecture 129- Phylum Mastigophora - 2
130 Lecture 130- Subphylum Sarcodinia
132 Lecture 132- Subphylum Actinopoda
133 Lecture 133 - Phylum Apicomplexa - 1
134 Lecture 134 - Phylum Apicomplexa - 2

135 Lecture 135 - Phylum Labyrinthomorpha
136 Lecture 136 - Phylum Microspora
137 Lecture 137 - Phylum Acetospora
138 Lecture 138 - Phylum Ciliphora - 1
139 Lecture 139 - Phylum Ciliphora - 2
140 Lecture 140 - Kingdom Animalia - 1
141 Lecture 141 - Kingdom Animalia - 2
142 Lecture 142 -Phylum Porifera
143 Lecture 143 - Phylum Coelenterata -1
144 Lecture 144 - Phylum Coelenterata - 2
145 Lecture 145 - Phylum Platyhelminthes -1
146 Lecture 146 - Phylum Platyhelminthes - 2
147 Lecture 147 - Phylum Nematoda

148 Lecture 148 - Phylum Annelida - 1
149 Lecture 149 - Phylum Annelida - 2
150 Lecture 150 - Phylum Mollusca
151 Lecture 151 - Phylum Arthropoda - 1
152 Lecture 152- Phylum Arthropoda - 2
153 Lecture # 153, Phylum Arthropoda- 3
154 Lecture # 154, Phylum Echinodermata -1
155 Lecture # 155, Phylum Echinodermata-2
156 Lecture # 156, Phylum Hemichordata
157 Lecture # 157, Class Pisces
158 Lecture # 158, Class Amphibia

159 Lecture # 159, Class Reptilia
160 Lecture # 160, Class Aves-1
161 Lecture # 161, Class Aves- 2
162 Lecture # 162, Class Mammalia- 1
163 Lecture # 163, Class Mammalia- 2
164 Lecture # 164, Kingdom Plantae
Final term Exams