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BT102 : Microbiology

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

This course is designed to develop understanding of the students to the fundamental concepts of microbiology different types of staining structural differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes mechanism of catabolism enzymes and coenzymes different types of respiration different methods of microbial control methods of classifying and identifying microorganisms methods of classification of infectious diseases different types of immunity diagnostic immunology autoimmune diseases and commonly used antimicrobial drugs and their action This course will enable the students to get sufficient knowledge about the subject to carry out research in the same field

Course Learning Outcomes

After the successful completion of the course students will be able to

  • Recognize the scope of microbiology
  • Distinguish and demonstrate methods of staining for microbes
  • Distinguish between prokaryotes and eukaryotes
  • Compare different types of respiration
  • Evaluate which methods of microbial control can be implemented
  • Describe and Comprehend different infectious diseases
  • Compare the mechanism of action of different antimicrobial drugs

Course Calendar

1 Microbiology and Microbes: An Introduction
2 Classification of Microbes
3 History of Microbiology
4 History of Microbiology: Spontaneous generation theory
5 Golden age of Microbiology
6 Branches of Microbiology
7 Microscopy
8 Types of Microscope

9 Staining Microbes
10 Types of Staining 1_Gram's Staining
11 Types of Staining 2 _Acid fast and Special staining
12 Anatomy of Prokaryotes 1_ Eukaryotes Vs Prokaryotes
13 Anatomy of Prokaryotes 2_Cell morphology
14 Anatomy of Prokaryotes 3_Structures and their functions
15 Anatomy of Prokaryotes 4_Flagella
16 Anatomy of Prokaryotes 5_Axial filament, fimbriae and pili
Assignment No 1

17 Anatomy of Prokaryotes 6_Cell wall
18 Anatomy of Prokaryotes 6b_Gram positive Vs Gram negative bacterial cell walls
19 Anatomy of Prokaryotes 7_ Atypical cell wall
20 Anatomy of Prokaryotes 8_ Cell membrane
21 Anatomy of Prokaryotes 9_ Movements across cell membrane
22 Anatomy of Prokaryotes 10_ Cytoplasm
23 Anatomy of Prokaryotes 11_Endospores
24 Microbial Metabolism 1_Nutrient molecules and generation of ATP
Assignment No 2

25 Microbial Metabolism 2_ Cellular respiration and fermentation
26 Microbial Metabolism 3- Anaerobic respiration and nutritional classification of bacteria
27 Microbial Growth Requirements 1_Temperature
28 Microbial Growth Requirements 2_pH and osmotic pressure
29 Microbial Growth Requirements 3_Elements
30 Microbial Growth Requirements 4_Oxygen
31 Microbial Growth Requirements 5_Culture Media
32 Microbial Growth 6_Classification of culture media and culturing techniques

33 Microbial Growth 7_Bacterial Growth Curve
34 Microbial Growth 8_Estimation of Microbial Growth
35 Microbial Control 1_Terminologies
36 Microbial Control 2_Factors affecting Efficacy of Antibacterial Agents
37 Microbial Control 3_Methods
38 Microbial Control 4_Mechanical Methods
39 Microbial Control 5_Gases
40 Microbial Control 6_Chemical Methods
Quiz No 1

41 Microbial Control 7_Chemicals
42 Microbial Control 8_Physical Methods
43 Microbial Control 9_Mechanisms
44 Gene Transfer 1_Types
45 Gene Transfer 2_Conjugation
46 Gene Transfer 3_High Frequency Recombination Cells
47 Gene Transfer 4_Transduction
48 Classification I

49 Microbial Identification 1- Methods
50 Microbial Identification 2_Agglutination Tests
51 Microbial Identification 3_ Precipitation Tests
52 Microbial Identification 4_ELISA
Mid Term Exam
53 Microbial Identification 5_Western Blotting
54 Microbial Identification 6_DNA probes & DNA Chips
55 Microbial Identification 7_PCR
56 Fungi 1_Introduction

57 Fungi 2_Asexual spores
58 Fungi 3_Sexual Spores
59 Fungi 4_Yeast
60 Fungi 5_Identification
61 Fungi 6_Importance
62 Lichen
63 Algae 1_Introduction
64 Algae 2_Types

65 Virus 1_Introduction
66 Virus 2_Replication
67 Virus 3_Replication of Different Viruses
68 Virus 4_Infection
69 Virus 5_Cultivation
70 Virus 6_Virusoids and Prions
Quiz No 2
71 Epidemiology 1_Methods
72 Epidemiology 2_Terminologies

73 Epidemiology 3_Disease
74 Epidemiology 4_Disease Transmission
75 Pathogenicity 1_Mechanisms
76 Pathogenicity 2_Evasion of Body Defenses
77 Pathogenicity 3_Damage by Microbes
78 Innate Immunity 1_Introduction
79 Innate Immunity 2_Lines of Defense
80 Innate Immunity 3_Cells and Secretions
Quiz No 3

81 Adaptive Immunity 1_Introduction
82 Adaptive Immunity 2_Antigens and Antibodies
83 Adaptive Immunity 3_Clonal Selection Theory
84 Adaptive Immunity 4_Role of Antibodies
85 Adaptive Immunity 5_Cellular Immunity
86 Adaptive Immunity 6_Immune Responses
87 Special staining 1_Spore
88 Special staining 2_Flagellar

89 Special staining 3_Acid Fast
90 Special staining 4_Capsular
91 Lymphatics
92 Hypersensitivity Type I
93 Hypersensitivity Type II
94 Hypersensitivity Type III
95 Hypersensitivity Type IV
96 Vaccine

97 Antimicrobials 1_Discovery
98 Antimicrobials 2_Scope and Spectrum
99 Antimicrobials 3_Drug Targets
100 Antimicrobials 4_Antibiotic Sensitivity Testing
101 Antimicrobials 5_Modes of Action
102 Antimicrobials 6_Antifungals and Antivirals
103 Antimicrobials 7_Antiprotozoans and Antihelminthic
104 Antimicrobials 8_Antibiotic Resistance
Final Term Exam