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BT603 : Fermentation Technology

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

This course is designed to develop understanding of the students to the fundamental concepts of fermentation technology types of fermentation range of fermentation products aeration and agitation different fermentation media development of inoculum and preservation of microbial cultures. This course will enable the students to get sufficient knowledge about the subject to carry out research in the same field.

Course Learning Outcomes

After the successful completion of the course students will be able to

  • Comprehend the scope of Fermentation Technology
  • Explain different types of fermentation
  • Describe aeration and agitation system of bioreactors
  • Formulate media for industrial fermentation
  • Preserve microbial cultures appropriately

Course Calendar

1 Overview of Fermentation Technology-1
2 Overview of Fermentation Technology-2
3 Types of Fermentation
4 Types of Fermentation on the basis of oxygen need
5 Types of Fermentation on the basis of Moisture
6 Types of Fermentation on the basis of Production Scale

7 Range of Fermentation Products
8 Range of Fermentation Products 2
9 Range of Fermentation Products 3
10 Range of Fermentation Products 4
11 Range of Fermentation Products 5
12 Range of Fermentation Products 6

13 Types of Fermentation on the basis of Process
14 Types of Fermentation on the basis of State of Mixing
15 Types of Fermentation on the basis of Product and Organisms
16 Organization of Fermentation Process
17 Media for industrial Fermentation: Introduction 1
18 Media for Industrial Fermentation: Introduction 2
Quiz No.1

19 Media for industrial fermentation: Introduction 3
20 Media for industrial fermentation: Introduction 4
21 Media for industrial fermentations: Introduction 5
22 Media for industrial fermentations: Medium formulation 1
23 Media formulation for industrial fermentations: Medium formulation 2
24 Media for industrial fermentations: Medium formulation 3
Assignment No. 1

25 Media for industrial fermentations: Medium components
26 Media for industrial fermentations: Carbon sources
27 Media for industrial fermentations - Example of commonly used carbon sources 1
28 Media for industrial fermentations -Examples of commonly used carbon sources -2
29 Media for industrial fermentations- Examples of commonly used carbon sources -3
30 Media for industrial fermentations -Nitrogen sources

31 Media for industrial fermentations- Examples of commonly used nitrogen sources
32 Media for industrial fermentations - Mineral 1
33 Media for industrial fermentations: Mineral 2
34 Media for industrial fermentations -Chelators
Quiz No.2

35 Media for industrial fermentations-Growth factor
36 Media for industrial fermentations -Buffers
37 Media for industrial fermentation -Precursors
Mid Semester Exams

38 Media for industrial fermentations- Inhibitors
39 Media for industrial fermentation- Inducers 1
40 Media for industrial fermentations - Inducers 2
41 Media for industrial fermentations - oxygen requirements, trace elements, pH and osmolality
42 Media for industrial fermentation- Antifoams 1
43 Media for industrial fermentation-Antifoams 2
44 Media for Industrial Fermentations Antifoams 3
45 Media for Industrial Fermentations Medium Optimization
Assignment No. 2

46 Media for Industrial Fermentations. Medium optimization Plackett-Burman Design 1
47 Media for Industrial fermentations. Medium Optimization Plackett-Burman Design 2
48 Aeration and Agitation Introduction 1
49 Aeration and Agitation Introduction 2
50 Aeration and Agitation Oxygen Requirements of Industrial fermentations 1
51 Aeration and Agitation Oxygen Requirements of Industrial fermentation 2
52 Aeration and Agitation Henry Law and Oxygen Supply
53 Aeration and Agitation Oxygen Transfer Process 1
Quiz No.3

54 Aeration and Agitation Oxygen Transfer Process 2
55 Aeration and Agitation Determination of KLa Values Sulphite oxidation Technique
56 Aeration and Agitation Determination of KLa Values Gassing out Techniques 1
57 Aeration and Agitation Determination of KLa Values Gassing out Techniques 2
58 Aeration and Agitation Determination of KLa Values The oxygen balance Technique
59 Process Organism: Selection criteria
60 Process Organism: Collection of industrially important microorganisms-1

61 Process Organism: Collection of industrially important microorganisms-2
62 Process Organism: Collection of industrially important microorganisms-3
63 Process Organism: Screening methods for isolated microbes
64 Process Organism: Identification of microorganisms
65 Process Organism: Storage/Preservation of microbial cultures
66 Process Organism: Improvement of industrially important microorganisms-1
67 Process Organism: Improvement of industrially important microorganisms-2
68 Process Organism: Improvement of industrially important microorganisms-3

69 Process Organism: Mutant Selection-1
70 Process Organism: Development of inocula for industrial fermentation: Introduction-1
71 Process Organism: Development of inocula for industrial fermentation: Introduction-2
72 Process Organism: Criteria for the transfer of inoculum
73 Process Organism: Development of inocula (Examples)
Final Semester Exams