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GEN732 : Advanced Cytogenetics

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

Cellular functions are governed by the cellular machinery

Course Learning Outcomes

This course is designed to develop understandings with the cellular mechanisms

  • To introduce with basic cellular mechanisms
  • To understand cellular abnormalities

Course Calendar

1 Cell division
2 Cell Cycle
3 Chromosome
4 Mitosis
5 Mitosis-Conti...
6 Meiosis-I
7 Meiosis-II
8 Meiosis-Conti..
9 Comparison-(Mitosis-Meiosis)
10 Genetics introduction
11 Mendel Experiment
12 Learned lesson-Mendel Experiment
13 Mendels first law of segregation
14 Mendels second law
15 Aberrant Phenomenna
16 Linkage and recombination
17 Genetics Maps
18 Clinical Genetics-I
19 Clinical genetics-I (Conti..)
20 X linked disorders
21 Multifactorial disorders
22 Cytogenetic disorders
23 Autosomal genetic disorders
24 Cytogenetic disorders of sex chromosome
25 What are Chromosomes
26 Cell, Nucleus and Chromosome
27 Chromosome Numbers in Different Species
28 Chromosomes in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
29 Salient features of Chromosomes
30 Size of Chromosomes
31 Types of Chromosomes
32 Centromere Functions
33 Telomere Functions
34 Euchromatin and Heterochromatin
35 Staining and Banding Chromosomes
36 Nucleosomes
37 Chromatin and Chromosomes
38 High Order Chromatin Folding
39 Kinetochore
40 Karyotyping
41 Prokaryotic Chromosomes
42 Sex Chromosomes and Sex determination
43 Giant Chromosomes
44 Lampbrush chromosome
45 Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance
46 Experiments of T H. Morgan
47 Effect of Linkage on Inheritance
48 Linkage Mapping
49 Linkage map of Drosophila Chromosome
50 Chromosomal Basis of Sex Determination
51 Sex Determination in Other Organisms
52 Inheritance of Sex linked genes
53 Genetic Mapping in Humans
54 Concept of Multiple Alleles
55 Multiple Alleles - our blood group
56 Blood groups and Transfusions
57 Multiple alleles effect in Rabbit
58 Chromosomal Aberrations
59 Karyotyping- international description
60 Defining Chromosome Location
61 Common Numerical Abnormalities
62 Structural Abnormalities
63 Translocations
64 Non-disjunction
65 Trisomy
66 Monosomy
67 Polyploidy
68 Alloploidy
69 Polyploidy and Aneuploidy
70 Chromosomal Deletions
71 Chromosomal Duplication
72 Chromosomal Inversions
73 Ring Chromosome
74 Chromosomes staining
75 Giemsa Staining
76 Giemsa Staining procedure
77 C banding of chromosomes
78 Q banding of chromosomes
79 R banding of chromosomes
80 T banding of chromosomes