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ENG505 : Language Learning Theories

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

The course provides in-depth understanding of Language Learning Theories (LLT). The focus is on the six key theories with emphasis on their theoretical and pedagogical aspects of language learning. With the inclusion of current research trends in LLT, the course will equip the students with awareness of the distinctive concepts of language learning theories and their varied implementation. The course aims to develop awareness of current teaching approaches and methodologies, enable learners for effective planning and teaching with solid rationale at the background in a variety of curricular and learning environment, and analyze current research trends in the domain of language learning.

Course Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, students would be able to:

  • have the in-depth understanding of the theories present in your course.
  • distinguish the key concepts related with different models of language learning.
  • have an understanding of learning methods and practices in detail
  • analyze current research trends in pedagogical aspects of language learning
  • effectively plan materials, with a solid rationale at the background in a variety of curricular and learning environments.

Course Calendar

1 Introduction to Course
2 Introduction to Language Learning
3 Historical Perspective-I Part-I
4 Historical Perspective-I Part-II
5 Historical Perspective-II
6 Introduction to the key theories-I
7 Introduction to the key theories-II
8 Introduction to Approaches, Methods and Techniques-I
9 Introduction to Approaches, Methods and Techniques-II
10 Interactive Methods
11 Introduction Approaches, Methods and Techniques-III
12 Introduction to Key Concepts in Language Learning-I
13 Introduction to Key Concepts in Language Learning-II
14 Introduction to Key Concepts in Language Learning-III

15 Key Learning Theories: Behaviorism
16 Pavlovian Conditioning
17 Classical Conditioning
18 Reciprocal Determinism
19 Operant Conditioning
20 Mediation Theory
21 The Law Effect
Quiz no.1
22 Generativism-1 Nativism and LAD
23 Generativism-1 Chomsky’s Criticism on Behaviorism
24 Generativism-1 Rene Descrates Concept of Idea
25 Generativism-1 Transcendental Idealism
26 Generativism-I The Lenneberg Theory & Competence and Performance

27 Generativism-II Dispelling Myths: Critical Period Hypothesis
28 Generativism-II Introduction to Universal Grammar: Why UG?
29 Generativism-II Principles and Parameters
30 Generativism-II UG Based Approaches to SLA Evaluation
31 Cognitivism-I General Theories & Principles
32 Cognitivism-I Language & Cognition-Cognitive Perceptual Process
33 Cognitivism-I Strategies of Development
34 Cognitivism-II Piagetian Stages of Development
35 Cognitivism-II Multi Store Model (Richard Atkinson & Richard Shiffrin)
36 Cognitivism-II The Competition Model and The Associative-Cognitive CREED Theory (Nick Ellis)
37 Cognitivism-II Rumelhart and McLelland on Connectionism
38 Cognitivism-II Newell & Simon’s Theory of Information Processing

39 Constructivism-I Constructivism: General Learning Theory
40 Constructivism-I Principles of Constructivism
41 Constructivism-I John Dewey’s Notion of Experiential Education
42 Constructivism-I Fredrick’s Schematic Account of Memory Demonstrate (Remembering)
43 Constructivism-II Jean Piaget and Constructivism
44 Constructivism-II Piaget’s Key Concepts of Adaptation and Disequilibration
45 Constructivism-II Bruner’s Idea of Scaffolding and Discovery Learning
46 Constructivism-II Bruner on Teaching Influencing Learning
47 Constructivism-III Bandura’s Socio-cognitive Model of Human Behavior (Self- Efficacy)
48 Constructivism-III Understanding Self-efficiency
49 Constructivism-III David Ausubel’s Subsumption Theory
50 Constructivism-III Metacognition and Script Theory

51 Krashen’s Input Hypothesis (monitor model)-I General Theory, Five Hypotheses and Factors
52 Krashen’s Input Hypothesis (Monitor Model)-I The Natural Approach and SLA
53 Krashen’s Input Hypothesis (Monitor Model)-I Acquisition vs Learning Hypothesis
54 Krashen’s Input Hypothesis (Monitor Model)-I The Natural Order Hypothesis & The Input Hypothesis
55 Krashen’s Input Hypothesis (Monitor Model)-I The Monitor Hypothesis & The Affective Filter Hypothesis
56 Krashen’s Input Hypothesis (Monitor Model)-I Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) and Criticism

57 Socio-cultural Theory: Vygotsky and M.A.K Halliday
58 Socio-cultural Theory: Acculturation Model and Steps in Acculturation by John Schuman
59 Socio-cultural Theory: Situated Learning & Language Socialization
60 Basic Language Cognition vs Higher Language Cognition: Basic Language Cognition
61 Basic Language Cognition vs Higher Language Cognition: Native Speaker Construct
62 Basic Language Cognition vs Higher Language Cognition: Differences Among Language Learners
63 Generative vs Usage-Based Schools: Generative School
64 Generative vs Usage-Based Schools: Usage-Based School
65 Generative vs Usage-Based Schools: Generative Vs Usage-Based School Explanation
Mid Term Exam

66 Communicative Competence: Reviewing L2 Proficiency Models
67 Communicative Competence: Dell Hymes’s Communicative Competence
68 Communicative Competence: Bachman Communication Language Ability (CLA)
69 Communicative Competence: Types of Competencies
Quiz no. 2
70 Models of Communicative Competence: Canale & Swain’s Model of Communicative Competence
71 Models of Communicative Competence: Bachman & Palmer Model of Communicative Competence
72 Models of Communicative Competence: Celce-Murcia Models of Communicative Competence
73 Models of Communicative Competence: Kramsch & Whiteside’s Symbolic Competence
74 CUP, BICS & CALP: Cummins and Swain Common Underlying Proficiency (CUP) Model
75 CUP, BICS & CALP: Basic Interpersonal Communicative Skills (BICS)
76 CUP, BICS & CALP: Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP)
77 CUP, BICS & CALP: Comparison of BICS and CALP

78 Second Language Learning Research & Language Education Goal of Language Learning Research
79 Second Language Learning Research & Language Education Bridging Language Learning Research & Language Education
80 Second Language Learning Research & Language Education SLA Research and Working Beyond Teaching Methods
81 Directions for Research in Language Learning Research Within Applied Linguistic
82 Directions for Research in Language Learning Explicit & implicit Learning & Awareness
83 Directions for Research in Language Learning Input, output & frequency
84 Directions for Research in Language Learning Current Trends & Research in Pakistani Context
Quiz no. 3
85 McLaughlin's Automaticity and Restructuring
86 Schmidt's Noticing Hypothesis

87 Long’s Interaction Hypothesis
88 Munfred Pienemann’s Processability Theory
89 Towell & Hawkin's Model of SLA
90 Comparing Six Theories-I Theories Perspectives
91 Comparing Six Theories-I Role of Memory and Transfer Occurrence
92 Comparing Six Theories-II Types of Learning
93 Comparing Six Theories-II Classroom Application

94 Learning Factors: Language Learning Factors
95 Learning Factors: Age
96 Learning Factors: Motivation
97 Learning Factors: Relevant Learning Factors (Anthropological Evidence)
98 Learning Factors: Relevant Learning Factors (Linguistics Considerations & Cognitive Ability)
99 Learning Factors: Relevant Learning Factors (Cognitive & Affective Considerations )
100 Language Learning Strategies-I Direct Strategies

101 Language Learning Strategies-II Indirect Strategies
102 Individual Learning Differences–I Intelligence & Multiple Intelligence
103 Individual Learning Differences-I Language Aptitude & Language Learning
104 Individual Learning Differences–II Affective factors; Self-Esteem, Attribution Theory and Self-Efficacy
105 Individual Learning Differences–II Language Attitude & Motivation
106 Individual Learning Differences–II Language anxiety, Empathy & Extroversion
107 Individual Learning Differences–II Willingness to Communicate, Inhibition & Risk Taking

108 Individual Learning Differences–III Learner as a Social Being Stereotyping & Generalization
109 Individual Learning Differences–III Second Culture Acquisition & Social Distance
110 Individual Learning Differences–III Language, Culture, & Thought
111 Language Learning Pedagogy Nature of Language Learning Theories; Pedagogy & Developing Relevant Theories
112 Language Learning Pedagogy Conducting Classroom Research
113 Language Learning Pedagogy Making Research Accessible to Teachers & Facilitating Action Research
Quiz no. 4
114 Individual Differences and Language Learning Strategies in Pakistani Context

115 Dynamics of Learning Styles Types of Styles
116 Dynamics of Learning Styles Types of Learner
117 Dynamics of Learning Styles Models of Learning Styles
118 Social Contexts in SLA Language community & Communicative Competence
119 Social Contexts in SLA Societal & Environmental Factors in Learning Setting
120 Social Contexts in SLA Microsocial Factors
121 Social Contexts in SLA Macrosocial Factors
122 Acquiring Knowledge for L2 Use Academic Competence
123 Acquiring Knowledge for L2 Use Interpersonal Competence
124 Acquiring Knowledge for L2 Use Receptive Strategies
125 Acquiring Knowledge for L2 Use Productive Strategies

126 Research Trends in ESP Classroom Trends & Issues
127 Research Trends in ESP Classroom Need Analysis to Curriculum Development
128 Research Trends in ESP Classroom Assessment Issues in ESP Teaching
129 Research Trends in ESP Classroom Teachers Training Issues
Final Term Exam