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ENG509 : Morphology and Syntax

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

Learning English means acquiring certain skills such as having good vocabulary awareness, being competent at reading, writing a variety of papers, listening and speaking. Morphology and Syntax, as a subject, holds much significance in English Language teaching since it aims to produce linguistically correct and able speakers or users of English. Morphology concerns the representation of words and the units of which words are composed i.e. morphemes whereas syntax refers to the rules that govern the ways in which words combine to form phrases, clauses, and sentences. Thus, the course aims to enable students to explore the theoretical as well as underlying principles that govern English language. The contents of this course include a comprehensive introduction to morphology, morphological structures and their derivations, derivation and semantics, morphological productivity and the mental lexicon, relationship between morphology and psycholinguistics, introduction to syntax, universal grammar, major research issues and pedagogy of morphology and syntax.

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course, the students would be able to:

  • understand the subtle difference between morphology and syntax.
  • comprehend the forms of words, and the ways in which words are related to other words of the same language.
  • detect the changes of word clauses, understand vocabulary and know the word origins.
  • know the ways in which words are put together in sentences to form meaningful structures.
  • differentiate among the concepts of head- movement, wh-movement and A-movement.
  • explore key research themes and their implications in morphology and syntax.
  • devise helpful strategies and techniques for the pedagogy of morphology and syntax.

Course Calendar

1 Introduction
2 Morphemes
3 Morphology in Action
4 Abstract Morphological Facts
5 Background and Beliefs
6 Introduction to Morphological Analysis
7 What is a Word?
8 Empirical Tests for Wordhood
9 Types of Words
10 Inflection vs. Derivation
11 Two Approaches to Morphology
12 The Lexicon
13 Morphology and Phonology
14 Allomorphs
15 Prosodic Morphology
16 Primary and Secondary Affixes
17 Linguistic Exaptation, Levelling, and Analogy
18 Morpho-Phonology and Secret Languages

19 The Saussurean Sign
20 Motivation and Compositionality
21 Zero Derivation
22 Other Derivational Processes
23 Clipping and Backformation
24 Derivation and Structure
25 Words and Grammar
26 Regular and Irregular Inflections
27 Forms of Nouns
28 Forms of Pronouns & Determiners
29 Forms of Verbs
30 Forms of Adjective
31 Relationship Between Lexemes
32 Word Class & Conversion
33 Adverb Derived From Adjectives
34 Noun Derived from Nouns
35 Adjectives Derived from Adjectives
36 Verbs Derived from Verbs

37 Compound vs. Phrases
38 Compound Verbs
39 Compound Nouns and Headed and Headless Compounds
40 Blends and Acronyms
41 Compounds Containing Bound Combining Forms
42 Phrasal Words
43 Morphological Structures:Introduction
44 Properties of Morphological Structures
45 A-Morphous Morphology
46 Exocentricity
47 Bracketing Paradoxes
48 Parasynthesis
49 Introduction: Derivation and Semantics
50 The Polysemy Problem
51 The Semantics of Derived Lexemes
52 The Semantics of Affixation
53 The Semantics of Zero Derivation
54 English Agent Nouns in –er

55 Introduction Inflection
56 What Is Inflection?
57 Inflection versus Derivation
58 Inventory of Inflectional Morphology Types: I
59 Inventory of Inflectional Morphology Types: II
60 Syncretism
61 Lexical Source of English Word Formation
62 The Rarity of Borrowed Inflectional Morphology
63 Reduction in Inflectional Morphology
64 Characteristics of Germanic and Nongermanic Derivations
65 Fashions in Morphology
66 History and Structure
67 What is Morphological Productivity?
68 Productivity and Structure: Negative Prefixes in English
69 Degrees of Productivity
70 Testing Productivity
71 The Mental Lexicon
72 Psycholinguistics and Neurolinguistics

73 Morphology and Syntax
74 Morphological vs. Syntactic Inflection
75 Structural Constraint on Morphological Inflections
76 Inflection and Universal Grammar
77 Grammatical Function Change
78 Productivity in Grammatical Function Change
79 Morphology and Mind
80 The Use of Mental Lexicon
81 Acquisition of Morphology
82 The Sources of Evidence
83 Models of Morphological Knowledge
84 Morphological Processing
85 The Nature of Language Change Internal
86 The Nature of Language Change External
87 Historical Sources of Morphology
88 Changes in Morphological Rules
89 Changes in Word Structure

90 Some Notions About Grammar
91 Some Authorities of Grammatical Tradition
92 Concept of Parts of Speech
93 Parts of Speech in English
94 Prescriptive Grammar
95 Problems of Prescriptive Grammar
96 Concept of Sentence In Prescriptive Grammar
97 Hierarchy of Sentence
98 Descriptive Grammar
99 Sentence Structure
100 Noun Phrases
101 Structure of Verb Phrase
102 Structure of Adjective Phrase
103 Structure of Adverb Phrase
104 Minimal Noun Phrase
105 Tree Structure of a Phrase
106 IC Analysis
107 Method of Display
108 Flaws in the ICs

109 Phrase Structure Rules
110 Disadvantages of PS
111 The Great Automatic Grammatizator
112 Label bracketing
113 Behaviouristic View the Irrelevance of Rats
114 Is Language Restricted to Humans
115 Biological Evidence
116 A Preordained Language Programme
117 Conceivable Innate Grammatical Information
118 Transformational Grammar
119 The Founder and the Theory
120 Introduction.
Mid Term
121 Grammatical Categories
122 Lexicalsubstantive Categories
123 Functional Categories
124 Complimentisers
125 Types of Clauses

126 Introduction..
127 Concepts and Misconception
128 Use of Linguistic Examples
129 Why do Languages have Syntax?
130 All Languages have Structure
131 Promotion and Demotion
132 Introduction to UG
133 Universal Grammar
134 Language Faculty
135 Principles of Universal Grammar
136 Parameters
137 Adjective & Adverb
138 Sentence Presenting
139 Structure
140 Bracketing
141 Tree Diagram and Phrase Structure Rules
142 Subordination in PS Rules
143 Sentence and Discourse

144 Constituents Test
145 Variations on Basic Sentence Patterns
146 Clefting
147 Pseudo- Clefting
148 Passivisation
149 Pronominalization & Fronting
150 Sentences
151 Compound & Complex Sentence
152 Clauses
153 Phrases
154 Pronoun
155 One-word phrases
156 Element After the Head
157 Verb Phrase
158 Verb Complements
159 Element before the Head

160 Adjective Phrases
161 Prepositional Phrase
162 Adverb Phrases
163 Words
164 Noun Verb
165 Adjective and Adverb
166 Prepositions & Conjunction
167 Functions Verb Phrases
168 Grammatical Functions in Subject
169 Grammatical Function of Predicate
170 Sentence Adjunct
171 Predicative Complements
172 Direct Object
173 Indirect Object
174 Adverbial Complements with Intransitive Verbs
175 Adverbial Complements with Transitive Verbs
176 Predicative Complement + Adverbial Complement a Complex Function
177 Verb Patterns and Functions- A Summary
178 Sentence Adjuncts and VP-Adjuncts
179 Sentence Adjuncts and VP-Adjuncts II
180 Function of Clauses Finite Clauses

181 Clauses as Adjuncts
182 Non-finite and Verbless Clauses
183 Empty Subject Clause
184 Processes
185 Leftward movement
186 Subject-auxiliary Inversion
187 Do-insertion
188 Wh-movement
189 Subcategorisation Frames and Wh-movement
190 Prepositional Phrases in Wh -questions
191 Wh-movement of Subjects
192 Indirect Yes No Questions
193 Indirect Wh-questions
194 Long Wh-movement
195 Relative Clauses
196 The Meaning of Relative Clauses
197 Deletion in Relative Clasues
198 That in Relative Clasues

199 Adverbial Relative and Free Relative
200 Appositive Clause
201 Reduced Relative Clause
202 Fronting
203 Passivisation.
204 The By-phrase
205 Movement of Focus Position
206 It-extraposition in Active Sentences
207 It-extraposition with Non -finite Clauses
208 It-extraposition in Verbless Clauses
209 It-extraposition with Object Clauses
210 Subject verb inversion
211 There-insertion
212 Extraposition from NP
213 Heavy object-shift
214 Clefting.
215 Pseudoclefting
216 Substitution By Pro-Forms

217 Ellipsis
218 Subject Deletion
219 Verb Gapping And Backward Gapping
221 Non-finite clauses non-finite clauses; raising and control.
222 Non-finite subordinate clauses with lexical subjects
223 Non-finite clauses without lexical subjects
226 Raising II
227 Raising with intransitive verbs and with adjectives
228 Concluding raising
229 CONTROL Non-lexical subjects
230 Control vs raising
231 Subject and object control
232 Indefinite control
233 Control adjectives
234 Reanalysis a problem of bracketing

235 Preposition & particles I
236 Preposition & particles II
237 Preposition & particles III
238 Concluding Preposition or Particles
239 Concluding Preposition or Particles II
240 Prepositional verbs I
241 Prepositional verbs II
242 Prepositional verbs III
243 Prepositional Idioms
244 Levels of structure (1)
245 Levels of Noun Phrase
246 Levels of structure (2)
247 One-substitution I
248 One-substitution II
249 Layering
250 One-word phrases.
251 Prepositional phrases
252 Adj phrase

253 Discontinuous strings
254 Summing up
255 Theory of X bar
256 A full sentence in X-bar
257 Quantity of sentence structure
258 Morphology in wider setting
259 Diachronic Morphology.
260 Morphology in Language Acquisition
261 Asking questions about syntax.
262 What questions to investigate
263 What questions to investigate II
264 Pedagogical aspects of morphology & syntax
265 Enhancing vocabulary
266 Developing reading skills
267 Better understanding of the language teaching
268 Development of syntactic skill
269 The knowledge of Morphosyntax
Final Term