EDU410 : Teaching of Literacy Skills

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

It is common to believe that literacy instruction is solely the charge of language arts teachers but frankly this just is not so. Adolescents entering the adult world in the 21st century will read and write more than at any other time in human history. They will need advanced levels of literacy to perform their jobs run their households act as citizens and conduct their personal lives. Richard Vaca author of Content Area Reading Literacy and Learning Across the CurriculumrnWith content standards looming it is easy to only focus on the content we teach and covering material. We have so much to tell students and share with them. However are we affording students enough time daily to practice crucial communication skillsrnHere is one way to look at it Content is what we teach but there is also the how and this is where literacy instruction comes in. There are an endless number of engaging effective strategies to get students to think about write about read about and talk about the content you teach. The ultimate goal of literacy instruction is to build a students comprehension writing skills and overall skills in communication.

Course Learning Outcomes

After completing this course the students will be able to

  • tcomprehend all of the basic concepts related to the teaching of literacy skills
  • tapply these concepts in their classroom as a teacher of literacy skills
  • tanalyse all of the termsconcepts given in the outline
  • tsynthesize and integrate the conceptsstrategies where needed
  • tevaluate and judge strategiesmaterials for making better decision for their students

Course Calendar

1 Concept of Literacy (Topic 001)
2 What is Meant by Literacy Skills? (Topic 002)
3 Different Types of Literacy Skills (Topic 003)
4 Learning Literacy Skills (Topic 004)
5 Significance of Literacy Skills (Topic 005)
6 Literacy Skills in Classrooms (Topic 006)
7 What is Language? (Topic 007)
8 Different Levels of Language (Topic 008)
9 Phonology (Topic 009)
10 Morphology (Topic 10)
11 Syntax (Topic 11)
12 Semantics and Pragmatics (Topic 12)
13 Acquisition and Learning (Topic 13)
14 Difference between Acquisition and Learning (Topic 14)
15 Native Language (Topic 15)
16 Second Language (Topic 16)
17 Foreign Language (Topic 17)
18 Regional Language (Topic 18)

19 First Stage (Topic 19)
20 Second Stage (Topic 20)
21 Third Stage (Topic 21)
22 Fourth Stage (Topic 22)
23 Fifth Stage (Topic 23)
24 Sixth Stage (Topic 24)
25 Need for Guidelines (Topic 25)
26 Language Development (Topic 26)
27 Language Model (Topic 27)
28 Literacy Models (Topic 28)
29 Literacy Classroom (Topic 29)
30 Starting from Basics (Topic 30)
31 What is a Code? (Topic 31)
32 Code Breaker (Topic 32)
33 Meaning Making (Topic 33)
34 Using Text(Topic 34)
35 Analyzing Text (Topic 35)
36 Examples (Topic 36)
Assignment 1

37 Student-centered
38 Teacher-centered (Topic 38)
39 Roles of Teacher (Topic 39)
40 Details of Teacher’s Roles (Topic 40)
41 Activity Based (Topic 41)
42 Conclusion (Topic 42)
43 Alphabetic Principle (Topic 43)
44 Introducing Alphabets (Topic 44)
45 Alphabetic Order (Topic 45)
46 Relate with Sound (Topic 46)
47 Practice (Topic 47)
48 Letters on String (Topic 48)
49 Large Letters (Topic 49)
50 Alphabet Cookies (Topic 50)
51 Letter Cards (Topic 51)
52 Letter Boxes (Topic 52)
53 Letter Pounding (Topic 53)
Quiz 1

54 Lack of Alphabetic Understanding (Topic 54)
55 Alphabetic Principle Skills (Topic 55)
56 Kindergarten Skills (Topic 56)
57 First Grade Skills (Topic 57)
58 Importance of Lowercases (Topic 58)
59 When to Teach Lowercase Letters (Topic 59)
60 Letter Confusion (Topic 60)
61 Lowercase Letters - Some Activities (Topic 61)
62 Phonemic Code (Topic 62)
63 Importance of Phonemic Code (Topic 63)
64 Problem with Phonemic Code (Topic 64)
65 Keep in Mind (Topic 65)

66 Phonology and Phonetics (Topic 66)
67 Phonemes (Topic 67)
68 Phonics (Topic 68)
69 Phonemic Awareness (Topic 69)
70 What are these? (Topic 70)
71 Consonant Phonemes (Topic 71)
72 Manner of Articulation (Topic 72)
73 Different Types (Topic 73)
74 Stop (Topic 74)
75 Nasals (Topic 75)
76 Fricatives (Topic 76)
77 Affricates (Topic 77)
78 Approximant (Topic 78)

79 Points of Articulation introduction
80 Topic80: Different Points
81 Topic81: Different points at a glance
82 Topic82: Concluding Remarks
83 Teaching Consonant Sounds (topic 83)
84 Presentation of consonants (Topic84)
85 Distinguishing between two or more beginning consonants sounds (Topic85)
86 Some Activities: worksheet (Topic86)
87 Consonant Sounds at Higher Level (topic 87)
88 Voiced & Voiceless ( topic 88)
89 Place of Articulation (topic 89)
90 Manner of Articulation (topic 90)
91 Symbols and Chart
Quiz 2

92 Vowel sounds
93 Vowel sounds pronunciation
94 Types of English vowel sounds
95 Vowel triangle
96 Short vowels
97 List of short vowels
98 Schwa
99 Short vowels on triangle
100 Long vowels
101 Long vowel on triangle
102 Long vowel sounds
103 Short and Long vowels

104 Diphthongs
105 1st Group: Ending on Schwa
106 2nd Group: Ending on /I/Sound
107 3rd Group: Ending on /?/Sound
108 All in One Glance
Mid Term
109 Triphthongs
110 Triphthongs on Triangle
111 Difficulty with Triphthongs
112 Triphthongs in one glance
113 5 Steps in Learning Phonics
114 Topic no 114
115 Step-4 words with double/triple consonant blends.
116 Advance phonics: diphthongs and diagraphs.

117 Teaching Vocabulary
118 To Know a Word
119 What Makes a Word Difficult?
Graded Discussion Board
120 Topic no 120
121 1st Stage: Understanding
122 2nd Stage: Recognising New Words
123 3rd Stage: Producing Vocabulary
124 Idioms and Collocations
125 Difficulty: Idioms and Collocation
126 1stStage: Introduction
127 2nd Stage:Practice
128 3rd Stage: Production

129 Teaching Spellings
130 Strategies for Teaching ‘Spellings’
131 Some More Strategies for Spellings
132 Literacy classroom
133 Teaching spellings at higher stage
134 Word study
135 Explaining word study
136 How word study is done?
137 What is Grammar?
138 Teaching Grammar
139 Strategies for teaching Grammar
140 Types of Grammar Activities

141 Teaching parts of speech
142 Teaching at first stage
143 Teaching at second stage
144 Recognizing the parts
145 Teaching tense
146 Simple or indefinite tense
147 Progressive or continuous tense
148 Perfect tense:
149 Perfect continuous tense
150 General tips for tenses

151 Summing Up Tenses
152 Helping Verbs
153 Regular/Irregular Verbs
154 Articles
155 Definite Article
156 Clauses & Phrases
157 Types of Clauses
158 Independent Clauses
159 Dependent Clauses
160 Types of Dependent Clauses
161 Some other clauses
162 Modals
163 Using Modals
164 Forming Questions
165 Types of Sentences
166 Punctuation
Quiz 3

167 What is listening?
168 Types of Listening
169 Principles of Listening
170 Teaching Principles of Listening
171 Listening Strategies
172 Metacognitive Strategies
173 Listening for Meaning
174 Listening Activities
175 What is speaking?
176 Types of Speaking
177 Principles of Speaking
178 Teaching Principles of Speaking

179 Speaking Strategies
180 Pronunciation
181 Some Tips
182 Speaking Activities
183 What is Reading?
184 Reading Proficiency
185 Skimming and Scanning
186 Reading Strategies
187 Integrating Strategies
188 Summing Up Strategies

189 What is writing?
190 Types of Writing
191 Writing Strategies
192 Writing Strategies (II)
193 More about writing
194 Criteria for Writing
195 Cohesion and Coherence
196 Writing Activities
197 Basic Terms
198 Grammar Translation Method/GTM
199 Audio Lingual Method/ALM
200 Direct Method
201 Communicative Method
202 Cooperative Learning
Final Term