ETH202 : Ethics (for Non-Muslims)

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

This course covers the definition and scope of ethics, its relation to Philosophy and religion, comparison with other normative subjects. This course focuses on different theories and approaches such as Cultural Relativism, Ethical Subjectivism, Emotivism, Utilitarianism and its implication, Retribution and Utility in the Theory of Punishment, The Natural Law Theory (NLT) and The Divine Command Theory (DCT). It also elaborates Kantian Ethics, Virtue Ethics, Business Ethics, Environmental Ethics and Bioethics.

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, you should be able to:

  • Analyze the key terms in ethical debates.
  • Understands universal ethical principles and significant theories.
  • Present rational justification of those theories.
  • Examine critically these approaches.
  • Students will be able to present a reasoned argument on a certain topic in ethics.
  • Identify ethical concerns relevant to business and environmental ethics. Explores ethical in marketing, race/gender bias, economics, the natural environment, employee-employer duties, and civic relations.

Course Calendar

1 Defining Ethics; and its relation to Philosophy
2 Morality as Compared with other Normative Subjects
3 Characteristics of Moral Principle
4 The Purposes of Morality
5 Cultural Relativism
6 Cultural Relativism as a theory of Morality
7 Judging a Cultural Practice to be Undesirable
8 Ethical Subjectivism
9 The First Stage: Emotivism
10 Emotivism, Reason and Moral Facts
11 The Presumed Connection between Morality and Religion
12 The Natural Law Theory
13 The Utilitarian Approach: a Revolution in Ethics:
14 Mill’s Utilitarianism: a modified version
15 Implication of Utilitarianism
16 Is Happiness the Only Thing That Matter? Are Consequences All That Matters?
17 Defense of Utilitarianism
18 Kant and the Categorical Imperative
19 Absolute Rules and the Duty Not to Lie
20 Kant and the Respect for Person
21 Retribution and Utility in the Theory of Punishment
22 The Ethics of Virtue and the Ethics of Right Action
23 Some Advantages of Virtue Ethics
24 Business Ethics
25 The Nature of Business Ethics
26 The Ethics of Advertising and Green Issues in Business
27 Environmental Ethics
28 Arguments for and against the Use and Exploitation of the Natural Environment
29 Bioethics---Ethical Issues in Medicine
30 Confidentiality, Guilt and Innocence in Treating Patients, Euthanasia, Ethics and Behavior Control, Genetics