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HRM627 : Human Resource Development

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

This course on Human Resource Development (HRD) enables the people to make things happen. It deals both with the process of competency development in people and creation of conditions (through interventions) to help people apply these competencies for their own benefits and for that of others. The core purpose of this course is to encounter two major development challenges of the world. The first is to ensure that the fruit of development reach the neediest through equitable distribution of resources, opportunities and benefits. The second is to develop human capabilities and address the challenges of development in political, economic and social areas.

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, you would be able to:

  • Describe and explain the significance of HRD.
  • Develop and inculcate competencies which include knowledge, skills, attitudes and values pertaining specifically to the field of management and organizations, both in the public and private sectors.
  • Know how to act and improve your own lives and those of others.
  • Create more alternatives for yourself and others both in their personal as well as professional or organizational life.
  • Look at the process of HRD not only from a purely personnel management perspective but also from a human development perspective in general.
  • Know the role of various interventions at national and international levels to accentuate the process of human development.

Course Calendar

1 Introduction to Human Resource Development
2 Foundations of Human Behavior
3 Emotional Intelligence
4 Personality
5 Intrinsic Motivation
6 Motivation
7 The Motivation Process
8 Interpersonal Communication
9 Listening
Assignment 01
10 Transactional Analysis
11 Types of Transactions
12 Neuro Linguistic Programming
Quiz 01
13 Create Your Own Blueprint
14 Communication and our Vocabulary
15 Leaders and Power
Quiz 02
16 Understanding Group Behavior
17 Understanding Team Behavior
18 Emotional Facet
GDB 01
19 Human Resource Development & the Role of Governace
20 Poverty, A Critical Problem of HRD
21 Difficulties in Measuring HRD & Economic Development
22 Human Development Index
23 Strategic Interventions
24 Non-Governmental Organization
Mid Term Exams
25 Health Sector
26 Basic Education
27 Adult Education
28 The Practical Perspective of Adult Education
29 Technical and Vocational Education
30 Higher Education
Quiz 03
31 Science & Technology
32 Environment
33 Empowerment of Women
34 Women Empowerment
35 Entrepreneurship
36 Strategic Process Interventions for Human Resource Development
37 Human Development & Economic Growth
38 Public Private Partnership
39 Public Private Partnership Principles
40 Decentralization and Enhancing Participation
41 Good Governance
42 HRD Profile of a Country
43 Coordination in Governance
44 Mobilizing Regional Educational Resources
45 Government Priorities and Policies
Final Term Exams