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MGMT611 : Human Relations (alt. code=HRM611)

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

In this course of Human Relations, prime attention has been given to an individual and group dynamics. The main focus is on feelings and attitudes in relation to work and day to day experiences. Topics of this course include different perspectives on organizational behavior, self-concept individual motivation, and performance, leadership, team design and structure, conflict resolution, perception, self-awareness, personality, values, culture, and communications in resolving interpersonal conflicts. The course recognizes the diversity of values and attitudes in society but also emphasizes values that are shared across different cultures and subcultures. Moreover, it creates the ability in the students to cope effectively with todays work/life issues/problems as an extensive knowledge of human relations is given in this course.

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, you should be able to:

  • Obtain valid information about human behaviors and learn different ways of dealing with assorted people.
  • Effectively cope with professional as well as personal stressors.
  • Define ethics, setting certain ethical standards as it is applied to the business world and especially their role of social responsibility.
  • Demonstrate critical problem-solving and thinking skills that influence goals and success in a future career.
  • Understand the nature of individual and group behaviors, as they strongly affect decision-making and its implementation.
  • Identify the role of personality and perception of people in their personal and professional life.
  • Utilize conceptual frames of effective communication and self-management for analyzing Human Behavior efficiently.

Course Calendar

1 Introduction
2 Culture and Personality
3 Personality and Stress
4 Perception and Individual Behavior
5 Perception and Group Behavior
6 Attitude and Behavior
7 Personal Motivation and Achievement
8 Solving Problems Skillfully
9 Creativity in Problem Solving
Semester Activity 1 Assignment
10 Handling Personal Issues
11 Conflict Resolution
12 Communication
13 Organizational Communication
Semester Activity 2 Quiz 01
14 Understanding Communication Styles
15 Self-Esteem
16 Building Self-confidence
Semester Activity 3 Quiz 02
17 Becoming A leader-1
18 Becoming A leader-II
Semester Activity 4 GDB
19 Globalization and cross cultural differences
20 Improving cross cultural competence
21 Building good relations with managers
22 Building good relations with Co-workers
Mid term Exam
23 Building good relations with customers
24 Choosing A career-I
25 Choosing A career-II
26 Finding A Job
27 Significance of Resume
28 Improving Interview Skills
29 Improving Work Habits-I
30 Improving Work Habits-II
31 New Model of Career Advancement
Semester Activity 5 Quiz 03
32 Taking Control of Yourself
33 Exerting Control on Outside Environment
34 Managing Personal Finances-1
35 Managing Personal Finances-II
36 Achieving Happiness -1
37 Achieving Happiness -2
38 Achieving Happiness -3
39 Apathy and its Remedies
40 Enhancing Personal Ethics-I
41 Enhancing Personal Ethics-II
42 Helping Others Grow
43 Review-I
44 Review-II
45 Review-III
Final term Examination