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MGT503 : Principles of Management

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

Principles of Management is an introductory course and is required for all business majors. This course explains the relationships between organizational mission, goals and objectives and their successful achievement. It will clarify the significance and necessity of managing an organization. Management will reveal understanding of various organizational processes and behaviors and the theories associated with them. This course will help students to conceptualize about how internal and external environment shape organizations and their responses. Principles of management demonstrates critical thinking skills in identifying ethical, global, and diversity issues in planning, organizing, controlling and leading functions of management. It will help students to understand organizational design and structural issues.

Course Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, you would be able to:

  • Analyze management principles and concepts as they apply to business situations
  • Gain an in-depth understanding of co-workers and a general understanding of the business environment in which you will operate.
  • Identify the steps of problem solving and decision making in organizations.
  • Recognize challenges in the achievement of good managerial performance.
  • Describe human resource planning and staffing processes needed to achieve optimal performance.
  • Illustrate how business ethics and social responsibility apply to organizations.
  • Describe formal and informal organizational communication processes and how to influence employees

Course Calendar

1 Introduction
2 Management and Managers
3 Managerial Roles in Organizations
4 Managerial Functions i.e. POLCA
5 Managerial Levels and Skills
6 Management Ideas: Yesterday and Today
7 Classical View of Management
8 Administrative View of Management
9 Behavioral Theories of Management
Quiz No1
10 Quantitative, Contemporary and Emerging Views of Management
11 System’s View of Management and Organization
12 Analyzing Organizational Environment and Understanding Organizational Culture
13 21st Century Management Trends
Quiz No2
14 Understanding Global Environment
15 Decision Making and Decision Taking
16 Rational Decision Making
Quiz No3
17 Nature and Types of Managerial Decisions
18 Non Rational Decision Making
19 Group Decision Making and Creativity
20 Planning and Decision Aids 1
21 Planning and Decision Aids 2
22 Planning: Functions & Benefits
23 Planning Process and Goal Levels
24 Management by Objective (MBO)
Mid Term Exams
25 Strategic Management -1
26 Strategic Management - 2
27 Levels of Strategies, Porter’s Model and Strategy Development (BCG) and Implementation
28 Entrepreneurship Management
29 Organizing
30 Job Design/Specialization and Departmentalization
31 Span of Command, Centralization vs De-Centralization and Line vs Staff Authority
32 Organizational Design and Organic vs Mechanistic vs Virtual Structures
33 Leading and Leadership
34 Maslow’s Needs Theory and its Analysis
Quiz No4
35 Other Need and Cognitive Theories of Motivation
36 Expectancy, Goal Setting and Re-enforcement Theories
37 Motivating Knowledge Professionals
Quiz No5
38 Behavioral and Situational Models of Leadership
39 Strategic Leadership Models
40 Understanding Group Dynamics in Organizations
41 Group Concepts, Stages of Group Development and Team Effectiveness
42 Understanding Managerial Communication
43 Communication Networks and Channels. Effect of ICT on Managerial Communication
44 Controlling as a Management Function
45 Controlling Organizational Performance through Productivity and Quality
Final Term Exams