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MGT610 : Business Ethics

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

Business ethics is applied ethics. It is the application of our understanding of what is good and right to that assortment of institutions, technologies transactions, activities, and pursuits that we call Business. The primary aims of the course are: What business ethics is in general? Several specific approaches to business ethics, which together furnish a basis for analyzing ethical issues in business. The morality of the market system as a whole: how is it justified and what are its strengths and weaknesses form an ethical point of view? The ethics of various market practices. There the emphasis is no longer on the ethics of the market system considered as a whole, but on the ethics of particular practices within the market system: price fixing, manipulation of supply, price discrimination, bribery, and market concentration. The two basic problems related to the natural environment: pollution and resource depletion combined with the several consumer issues, including product quality and advertising. The issue of job discrimination and the issue of conflicts between the individual and the organization.

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, you should be able to:

  • Know the ethical concepts that are relevant to resolving moral issues in business.
  • Impart the reasoning and analytical skills needed to apply ethical concepts to business decisions
  • Identify the moral issues involved in the management of specific problem areas in business
  • Understand the social technological and natural environments within which moral issues in business arise
  • Solve the actual moral dilemmas faced by businesses

Course Calendar

1 Introduction
3 Theory of Ethical Relativism
4 Moral Developments and Moral Reasoning
5 Moral Reasoning
7 Utilitarianism
9 Universalizability & Reversibility
10 Egalitarians’ View
12 The Ethics of Care
14 Morality in International Contexts
15 Free Market & Planned Economy
16 Law of Nature
17 Free Markets and Utility: Adam Smith
19 Free Market Economy
20 Competition and the Market
24 Oligopolies and Public Policy
26 Forests and Biodiversity
27 Ethics & the Environment
29 The Ethics of Pollution control
31 Ethics of Care
33 The Ethics of Consumer - Production and Marketing
34 Consumers & Information
35 The contract view of business duties to consumers
36 The Due Care Theory
37 The social costs view of the manufacturers's duties
38 Advertising Ethics
43 Advertising and Self-Regulation
44 Consumer Privacy
45 Ethics of Job Discrimination