MCM411 : Introduction to Broadcasting

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

The course covers the following topics: classification of programs, currant affairs, radio feature, musical programmes, radio documentary, pre production, production and post production phase, lights in visual broadcasting, news script writing and direction techniques, camera shots, radio drama etc Students will be familiarized and exposed to the field of broadcasting by describing broadcast languages, sources of news, camera and tape recorder operations. This course introduces the students to the basic tools, techniques and vocabulary of broadcast journalism. It will also highlight the need and importance of broadcasting.

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course, you should be able to:

  • Distinguish the form and function of the broadcast industry.
  • Determine limitations and capabilities of the electronic media.
  • Identify job responsibilities of station personnel.
  • Perform basic production techniques, including editing and vocal work.
  • Evaluate the role of broadcasting as a news and entertainment medium.
  • Develop and produce documentaries, features and drama for electronic media.

Course Calendar

1 Broadcasting
2 Classification of Programs
3 Current Affairs
4 Outdoor Broadcasting I
5 Outdoor Broadcasting II
6 Curtain Raiser
7 Radio Feature
8 Musical Programs
9 Radio Documentary
10 Disc Jockey
11 Voice in Broadcasting
12 Noise
13 Studio
14 Radio Drama I
15 Radio drama II
16 Advertisement – Income Generation
17 Advertiser’s Approach
18 FM – a new generation in broadcasting
19 Microphone to Transmitter
20 Writing Script for Radio Broadcast
21 Interactive Broadcasting
22 Revision
23 History of Television
24 Pakistan Television (PTV)
25 Broadcasting Laws
26 Replicas of Radio Broadcast
27 New Script Writing and Direction Techniques
28 Sets
29 Camera Shots – the visual language
30 Lights in Visual Broadcasting
31 Interior and Exterior
32 Broadcasting and Media Imperialism
33 Environment of TV Broadcast
34 Budget
35 Comparison and contrast of different Radio and TV formats
36 Current Affairs – form Radio to TV
37 Pre-production
38 Production and Post-production
39 TV Advertisements – money with entertainment
40 Enigma of more channels
41 Anchorperson
42 Comparison between Radio and TV Broadcast
43 Terrestrial to Satellite to Cable TV
44 Career in Broadcasting
45 Revision II