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PSY631 : Psychological Testing & Measurements

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

This course encompasses basic concepts of psychological measurement. Psychological Testing and Measurements focuses on creating an understanding of the basic concepts of psychological testing and major developments in the history of psychological testing. It is about the awareness of the steps and qualities required in construction of a good test, role of testing in counseling, clinical, organizational and educational setting and the tests applied on special population and how they differ from the tests applied on the normal population. The main focus of the course is on introducing essential terminology, theories, concepts, types of psychological tests, measurement procedures, socio-cultural variables affecting measurement, and modern trends. Practical application of knowledge, besides developing a know how of theoretical constructs, will be encouraged.

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, you should be able to:

  • Identify the relevance of psychological tests in contemporary society.
  • Analyze the various techniques, tests and practices used in various fields of psychology.
  • Summarize the importance of testing in making decision in relation to different fields.
  • Find the relationship of testing with our society.
  • Discuss various tests used in different fields of psychology.

Course Calendar

1 Psychological Assessment and Tests
2 Historical Background of Psychological Testing (I)
3 Historical Background of Psychological Testing (II)

4 Types of Tests and Their Significance
5 The Testing Process: Test Administration and Test Taking
6 Test Norms: Interpreting Test Results

7 Types of Norms
8 Test Norms and Related Concepts
9 Domain Referenced Test Interpretation

10 Test Construction
11 Item Writing
12 Item Writing: Guidelines For Item Writing

13 Reliability
14 Types of Reliability
15 Reliability in Specific Conditions and Allied Issues
Quiz 01

16 Validity
17 Criterion Validity
18 Construct Validity
Quiz 02
Mid Term Exam

19 Decision Theory
20 Threats to Validity and Related Issues
21 Item Analysis (I)

22 Item Analysis (II)
23 Item Analysis (III)
24 Assessment of Intellectual and Cognitive Abilities

25 Measurement of Intelligence
26 Intelligence Tests
27 Piagetian Approach: Measurement of Cognitive Development

28 Individual Tests of Ability for Specific Purposes
29 Group Testing
30 Specific Purposes Tests

31 Tests for Special Populations
Graded Discussion Board
32 Personality Testing
33 Objective / Structured Tests of Personality

34 Projective Personality Tests
Quiz 03
35 Personality: Measurement of Interests and Attitudes
36 Measurement of Attitudes, Opinions, Locus of Control, Health and Self-efficacy

37 Alternate Approaches to Personality Assessment
38 Testing and Assessment in Health Psychology
39 Measuring Personal Characteristics for Job Placement

40 Achievement and Educational Tests
41 Multicultural Testing
42 Adaptive Testing and Other Issues

43 Social and Ethical Considerations in Testing
44 Assessment and Psychological Testing in Clinical & Counseling Settings
45 Overview of the Course