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ZOO301 : Animal Form & Function-I

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

The Animal Form and Function I course explores the structure, organization, and physiological processes of animals. It focuses on the relationship between an animal''s anatomy and its biological functions. The course covers a wide range of topics, including animal tissues, organ systems, adaptations, locomotion, respiration, circulation. Through a combination of lectures, laboratory work, and interactive discussions, students gain a comprehensive understanding of how animals are structured and how their various systems function to support their survival and reproduction.

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, student should be able to understand:

  • Animals diversity adapted in different ways for their functions through modifications in body parts.
  • The diversity in integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous and sensory, endocrine, circulatory, respiratory, nutritive, excretory, osmoregulatory and reproductive systems according to strategies to survive in their specific conditions.
  • Organ systems, their specialization and coordination with each other and constantly changing internal and external environment, inside and outside the animal’s body
  • The basic structure of each system that determines its particular function

Course Calendar

1 Introduction to Protection, Support and Movement
2 Form and Function: Evolutionary Concept
3 Protection: Integumentary system
4 Integumentary System of Invertebrates (Protozoa)
5 Integumentary System in Multicellular Invertebrates
6 Integumentary system of vertebrates (Skin of jawless and cartilaginous fishes)
7 Integumentary System of Vertebrates ( Skin of Bony Fishes)
8 Integumentary System of Vertebrates (Skin of Amphibians and Reptiles)
9 Integumentary System of Vertebrates ( Skin of Birds)
10 Integumentary System of Vertebrates (Skin of Mammals)
11 Movement and Support skeletal system in invertebrates
12 Support and movement of Invertebrates : Hydrostatic skeleton
13 Skeleton system of Invertebrates : Exoskeleton
14 Skeletal system of invertebrates : Endoskeleton

15 Mineralized tissues and the invertebrates
16 Skeletal system of vertebrates
17 Skeletal system of vertebrates (Skeleton of Fishes)
18 Skeleton of tetrapods and human
19 Movement : Non muscular and muscular system
20 Non Muscular movement
Quiz 1
21 Animal Muscles
22 Muscular system of invertebrates (Locomotion of soft bodied Invertebrates)
23 Muscular system of Invertebrates (Terrestrial locomotion in invertebrates)
24 Muscular system of vertebrates
25 Fish musculature

26 Structure of skeletal muscle I
27 Structure of skeletal muscle II
28 Structure of skeletal muscle III
29 Sliding filament model of muscle contraction
30 Role of Calcium and Regulator protein in muscle contraction
31 Regulation of skeletal muscle contraction
32 Energy supply for muscle contraction
33 Frequently asked questions about muscle
34 Frequently asked questions about skeleton
35 Summary of the chapter 'Protection,support and locomotion'
36 Introduction to nervous system
37 Basic functional Units of nervous system
38 Neural pathway between receptors and effectors
39 Structure of Different kinds of neurons I
40 Structure of Different kinds of neurons II

41 Resting and Action Potential
42 Ion Channel and Na K Pump
43 Nerve impulse
44 Synapse and its role in Nervous System
45 Nervous system of some invertebrates
46 Nervous system of some invertebrates ii
47 Nervous System in Vertebrates
48 Spinal cords and Spinal nerves
49 Anatomy of Vertebrate brain I
50 Anatomy of Vertebrate Brain II
Assignment No.1
51 Vertebrate Brains
52 Cranial nerves I
53 Cranial nerves II
54 introduction of Autonomic NS
55 Sympatheic and Parasympathetic nervous system

56 Introduction of Sensory Reception
57 Invertebrate senory receptors
58 Baroreceptors
59 Chemoreceptors
60 Georeceptors
61 Hygroreceotors
62 Phonoreceptors
63 Photoreceptors I
64 Photoreceptors II
65 Photoreceptors III Complex eyes
66 Proprioceptors
67 Tactile receptors
68 Themreceptors
69 Vertebrate Sensory Receptors
70 Lateral line System and electrical sensing
71 Lateral Line System and Mechanoreceptors

72 Hearing and Equilib.. in air
73 Tympanum in Amphibians
74 Hearing in Reptiles
75 Hearing in birds
76 Anatomy of Human ear
77 Hearing of Human ear
78 Hearing and Equilibrium in Water
79 Skin sensors of damaging stimuli
80 Skin Sensors of heat and cold
81 Skin sensor of mechanical stimuli
82 Sonar
83 Smell or Olfaction
84 Olfactory sense in various vertebratesTaste

85 Taste or Gustation
86 Taste in various vertebrates
87 Photoreception
88 Anatomy of Human Eye
89 Accomodation of the eye
90 Adaptations of Amphbian eye
91 Vision in Reptiles
92 Vision in Birds
93 Functioning of the eye
94 Light eye and vision
95 Common Eye Defects
Midterm Exam
96 Shining eyes
97 Summary, Part I

98 Summary Part II
99 99 Summary Part III
100 Introduction of Chemical messenger
101 Evolution in Coordination
102 Chemical Messengers I
103 Chemical Messengers II
104 Biochemistry of Hormones
105 Characteristics of Hormones
106 Feedback control of hormone secretion
107 Feedback control of hormones II
108 Mehanism of Hormone Action I
109 Mechanism of Hormone Action II
110 Hormones of Porifea and Cnidarians

111 Hormones of Platyheilinthes and Nermert
112 Hormones of Nematodes and Annelids
113 Hormones of Molluscs and and Arthropoda
114 Hormones of Arthropods
115 Hormones of Arthropod Insect
116 Some more Hormones in Arthropods
117 Hormones of Echinoderms
118 Overview of vertebrate ES
119 Endocrine System of Fishes
120 endocrine System of Amphibians n Reptiles
121 Hormonic control of Metamorphosis in Frog
122 Endocrine System of Reptiles
123 Chomaffin Tissue and Adrenal Glands in selected vertebrates
124 Endocrine Sytem of Birds

125 Endocrine system of Mammals Part I
126 Hormones of Adenohypothysis
127 Hormones of Adeno Part II
128 Neurohypophysis
129 Pineal gland
130 Thyroid gland
131 Thyroid Disorders
132 Parathyroid gland
133 Adrenal gland
134 Pancreas
135 Testes
136 Ovaries
137 Thymus

138 Other sources of hormones
139 Other sources of hormones Part II
140 Summary of the Chapter Part I
141 Summary of the Chapter Part II
142 Introduction of Transport in Animals
143 Transport System in Protozoa, Porifera ans Cnidaria
144 TS in Flatworms and Pseudocoelomates
145 Ciculatory systems and its types
146 TS in Annelids, Molluscs Arthropds
147 Coelomic Fluid, Hemplymph and Blood cellis Invertebrtaes
148 Blood Cells in Invertebrtaes
149 Transport System in Vertebrates
150 Blood Portal system in vertebrates
151 Vertebrtae blood

152 Vertebrate Blood Cells Part I
153 vertebrate Blood Cells part II
154 Vertebrate Blood Vessels
155 Hearts and circulatory Systems of Vertebrates
156 Hearts & circulatory Systems of Birds and Mammals
157 Evolutionary Perspective of veretebrtae haerts
158 Lymphatic System
159 differences between blood and lymph
160 Structure of Human Heart
161 pumping action of human heart
162 The Cardiac Cycle
163 Electrical conduction system of human heart
164 Electrocardiogram
165 Blood pressure

166 Some cardiovascular disorders
167 Gas Exchange Respuratory surfaces
168 Invertebrate Respiratory surfaces Part I
169 Invertebrate Respiratory System Part II
170 Vertebrate Respiratoy System
171 Cutaneous respiration
172 Gills respiration
173 Lung respiration in Amphibians and Reptiles
174 Respiration in birds
175 Human Respiratory System Part I
176 Human Respiratory System Part II
177 Ventilation of human lungs
178 The control of breathing
179 Transport of Respiratory Gases Oxygen T

180 Respiratory Pigments Part I
181 Respiratory Pigments Part II
182 Transport of respiratory gas CO2
183 Summary of the chapter Presentation
184 Summary of the chapter II
185 Introduction of Immune System
186 Non Specific Defense Mehanism I
187 Non specific Defense Mechanism II
188 Organs of immune system
189 Organs of immune system part II
190 Specific Defense Mechanism
191 Acquired Immunity
192 Vaccine
193 Passive Immunity