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ZOO503 : Zoogeography and Paleontology

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

This course provides information on the distribution of animals and their associations in the past and to rationalize their relationship in the present time. Impart knowledge and concepts of evolution mainly on the basis of fossil record. Give understanding that fossil record also provide information about the distribution of animals in the past era.

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the course students should be able to:

  • Describe the types of questions the field of zoogeography investigates
  • Describe several of the processes through which zoogeographers try to answer these questions, and develop methods for trying to answer any particular question;
  • Explain several important concepts/events (e.g. plate tectonics, dispersal, the Great American Interchange) that are important in understanding the present distribution of numerous animal groups
  • Describe hypotheses that explain the present distributions of several specific animal species;
  • . Describe several important geographical patterns of community diversity

Course Calendar

1 Paleontology as a science : Paleontology in the modern world
2 Paleontology as a science: What is Science?
3 Paleontology as a science : Steps to understanding
4 Paleontology as a science : Fossils and evolution
5 Paleontology as a science : Paleontology today
6 Fossils in time and space
7 Fossils in time and space : Frameworks
8 Fossils in time and space : lithostratigraphy
9 Fossils in time and space : Use of fossils: discovery of biostratigraphy (Part 1)
10 Fossils in time and space : Use of fossils: discovery of biostratigraphy (Part 2)
11 Fossils in time and space : Paleobiogeography
12 Fossils in time and space : Island Paleobiogeography
13 Fossils in time and space : Fossils in fold belts

14 Taphonomy and the quality of the fossil record
15 Taphonomy and the quality of the fossil record : Fossil preservation (Part 1)
16 Taphonomy and the quality of the fossil record : Fossil preservation (Part 2)
17 Taphonomy and the quality of the fossil record : Quality of the fossil record
18 Paleoecology and paleoclimates
19 Paleoecology and paleoclimates : Paleoecology (Part 1)
20 Paleoecology and paleoclimates : Paleoecology (Part 2)
21 Paleoecology and paleoclimates : Paleoclimates
22 Macroevolution and the tree of life
23 Macroevolution and the tree of life : Evolution by natural selection
24 Macroevolution and the tree of life : Evolution and the fossil record
25 Macroevolution and the tree of life : The tree of life
26 Macroevolution and the tree of life : Cladistics

27 Fossil form and function
28 Fossil form and function : Growth and form (part 1)
29 Fossil form and function : Growth and form
30 Fossil form and function : Evolution and development
31 Mass extinctions and biodiversity loss
32 Mass extinctions and biodiversity loss : Mass extinctions
33 Mass extinctions and biodiversity loss : Mass extinctions (continued)
34 Mass extinctions and biodiversity loss : The “big five” mass
35 Mass extinctions and biodiversity loss : The Cretaceous-Tertiary event
36 The origin of life
37 The origin of life : Scientific Methods
38 The origin of life: Testing the Biochemical Method
39 The origin of life: RNA World
Quiz 1

40 The origin of life : Evidence for the origin of life
41 The origin of life: Life diversifies: eukaryotes
42 Protists : Protista: introduction
43 Protists: Kingdom Protista
44 Protists : Protozoa
45 Protists : Chromista
46 Protists : Chromista Diatoms
47 Origin of the metazoans
48 Origin of the metazoans : Origins
49 Origin of the metazoans : Invertebrate body and skeletal plans
50 Origin of the metazoans : Classifications and Relationships
51 Origin of the metazoans : Four key faunas
52 Origin of the metazoans : Ordovician Radiation

53 Origin of the metazoans : Soft-bodied invertebrates
54 The basal metazoans: sponges and corals
55 The basal metazoans: sponges and corals : Porifera
56 The basal metazoans: sponges and corals : Cnidaria
57 Spiralians 1: lophophorates
58 Spiralians 1: lophophorates : Brachiopoda
59 Spiralians 1: lophophorates : Brachiopoda Five extinction events
60 Spiralians 1: lophophorates : Bryozoa
61 Spiralians 2: mollusks
62 Spiralians 2: mollusks : Mollusks: introduction
63 Spiralians 2: mollusks : Early mollusks
64 Spiralians 2: mollusks : Class Bivalvia
65 Spiralians 2: mollusks : Class Gastropoda
Quiz 2

66 Spiralians 2: mollusks : Class Cephalopoda
67 Spiralians 2: mollusks : Class Scaphopoda
68 Spiralians 2: mollusks : Class Rostroconcha
69 Spiralians 2: mollusks : Evolutionary trends within the Mollusca
70 Ecdysozoa: arthropods : Arthropods: introduction
71 Ecdysozoa: arthropods : Arthropods
72 Ecdysozoa: arthropods : Subphylum Trilobitomorpha
73 Ecdysozoa: arthropods : Subphylum Chelicerata
74 Ecdysozoa: arthropods : Subphylum Myriapoda
75 Ecdysozoa: arthropods : Subphylum Hexapoda
76 Ecdysozoa: arthropods : Subphylum Crustacea
77 Deuterostomes: echinoderms and hemichordates
78 Deuterostomes: echinoderms and hemichordates : Echinoderms

79 Deuterostomes: echinoderms and hemichordates : Hemichordates
80 Fishes and basal tetrapods: Introduction
81 Fishes and basal tetrapods : Origin of the vertebrates
82 Fishes and basal tetrapods : Conodonts
83 Fishes and basal tetrapods : Jaws and fish evolution
84 Fishes and basal tetrapods: Tetrapods
85 Fishes and basal tetrapods : Reign of the reptiles
86 Fishes and basal tetrapods : Reign of the reptiles part 2
87 Dinosaurs and mammals
88 Dinosaurs and mammals : Introduction
89 Dinosaurs and mammals : Dinosaurs and their kin
90 Dinosaurs and mammals : Dinosaurs and their kin Part 2

91 Dinosaurs and mammals : The age of Dinosaurs
92 Dinosaurs and mammals : Dragons of the Deep
93 Dinosaurs and mammals : Bird evolution
94 Dinosaurs and mammals : Rise of the mammals
95 Dinosaurs and mammals : The line to humans
96 Dinosaurs and mammals : The Apes and Humans
97 Dinosaurs and mammals : The Apes and Humans (part 2)
98 Dinosaurs and mammals : Modern Peoples
99 Fossil plants
100 Trace fossils
101 Trace fossils : Understanding trace fossils
102 Diversification of life
103 Diversification of life : The diversity of life
104 Diversification of life : equilibrium or Expension?

105 Diversification of life : Trends and radiations
106 Diversification of life : Ten major steps
107 Diversification of life : Ten Major Steps (Part 2)
108 Diversification of life : An Alternative, Top Eight Steps
109 Biogeography
110 Ecological Vs. historical Biogeography
111 The history of Biogeography: Biogeography and Creation
112 The history of Biogeography : The distribution of Life today
113 The history of Biogeography : Evolution- A dangerous Idea
114 The history of Biogeography : Enter Darwin and Wallace
115 The history of Biogeography : World Maps: Biogeographical Regions of Plants and Animals
116 The history of Biogeography : Getting Around the World
117 The history of Biogeography : Leon Croizat

118 The history of Biogeography : The Origins of Modern Historical Biogeography
Quiz 3
119 The history of Biogeography : The Development of Ecological Biogeography
120 The history of Biogeography : Living Together
121 The history of Biogeography : Marine Biogeography
122 The history of Biogeography : Island Biogeography
123 Patterns of Distribution : finding a Home
124 Patterns of Distribution : Limits to Distribution
125 Patterns of Distribution : The Niche
126 Patterns of Distribution : Topographical Limits and Endemism
127 Patterns of Distribution : Physical Limits
128 Patterns of Distribution : Competition
129 Patterns of Distribution : Predators, prey, parasites, and hosts
130 Patterns of Distribution : Migration

131 Patterns of Distribution : Invasion
132 Communities and Ecosystems: Living together
133 Communities and Ecosystems: The Ecosystem
134 Communities and Ecosystems: Ecosystems and Species Diversity
135 Communities and Ecosystems: Biotic Assemblages on a global Scale
136 Communities and Ecosystems: Global patterns of climate
137 Communities and Ecosystems: Global patterns of climate (Part 2)
138 Patterns of biodiversity : Biodiversity
139 Patterns of biodiversity : latitudinal gradients of Biodiversity
140 Patterns of biodiversity : Is evolution faster in tropics?
Quiz 4
141 Patterns of biodiversity : Legacy of Glaciation
142 Patterns of biodiversity : Latitude and Species ranges
143 Patterns of biodiversity : Diversity and altitude

144 Patterns of biodiversity : Biodiversity Hotspots
145 Plate Tectonics : The evidence for the plate tectonics
146 Plate Tectonics : Changing patterns of Continents
147 Plate Tectonics : Islands and plate-tectonics
148 Plate Tectonics : Sympatry Vs Allopatry
149 Plate Tectonics : Early Land life on Moving continents
150 Plate Tectonics : bio-geographical regions
151 Biogeographical Regions Today : History of today's Biogeographical regions
152 Biogeographical Regions Today : The Old-world Tropic : Africa
153 Biogeographical Regions Today : The Old-world Tropic : India
154 Biogeographical Regions Today : Australia
155 Biogeographical Regions Today : The New Caledonia
156 Biogeographical Regions Today : New Zealand

157 Biogeographical Regions Today : The West Indies
158 Biogeographical Regions Today : South America
159 Biogeographical Regions Today : The northern Hemisphere Holarctic mammals
160 Ice and Change: The Ice ages
161 Ice and change
162 The Human Intrusion:Animal Domestication
163 The Human Intrusion:Diversification of Homo sapiens
164 The Human Intrusion:Modern Homo
165 The Human Intrusion:Modern Homo & Megafaunal Extinctions
166 Plant Domestication and Agriculture
167 Animal Domestication
168 Diversification of Homo sapiens
169 Environmental Impact of Early Human Cultures

170 Conservation Biogeography
171 Welcome to the Anthropocene
172 Effect of Anthropocene
173 What is behind the Biodiversity Crisis?
174 Climate Change
175 Crisis Management: Responding to Biodiversity Loss
176 The Birth of Conservation Biogeography
177 Conservation Biogeography in action
178 The Future is Digital
179 Conclusions
180 Zoogeography and Paleontology of Pakistan