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ZOO504 : Wildlife

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

The course focuses on wildlife of Pakistan and its conservation. Content focuses on real-world problem solving and applied solutions to wildlife and conservation issues. The course is designed to provide theoretical expertise in a range of discipline areas such as biodiversity, wildlife ecology, landscape, habitat and vegetation management, conservation, animal biology and park management.

Course Learning Outcomes

Understanding about wildlife and conservation

  • Students would learn about future wildlife
  • Students in associate's or bachelor's degree programs in wildlife learn to evaluate the conditions and populations of habitats and identify areas needing maintenance and improvement
  • Objectives of the course is to acquaint students with the procedures and rules used in the Wildlife
  • to learn practical facts and trivia about wildlife natural history, identification, history of wildlife management and laws, wildlife ecology and management, and related natural resource sciences.

Course Calendar

1 wildlife-introduction
2 Importance
3 gene bank
4 plant propogation
5 ecological cleaning
6 economic importance
7 Benefits of wildlife
8 terminologies I
9 Terminologies II
10 Terminologies III
11 Terminologies IV
12 aesthetic and recreational value
13 commercial value
14 game value
15 cultural value

16 ecological value
17 scientific value
18 predation
19 carrier of diseases
20 destruction
21 Persecution
22 habitat destruction
23 pollution
24 study and improvement of habitat
25 preservation of habitat
26 wildlife census
27 wildlife legislation
28 wildlife education
29 wildlife veterinary
30 wildlife awareness

31 establishment of wildlife protected areas
32 involvement of international agencies
33 list wildlife agencies.
34 wwf
36 ssc
37 ssc ii
38 C.I.T.E.S
41 IWC1
42 list of acts
43 ordinance I.
44 ordinance II
45 ordinance III

46 ordinance IV
47 ordinance V
48 concept of protected areas.
49 category Ia and concept.
50 category Ib
51 Categories II
52 category III
53 Category IV
54 category V
55 category VI
56 concept of national park
57 General rules of national park
58 list of national parks
59 kirthar
60 lal suhanra

61 chingi
62 hazarganji
63 Ayubia-1
64 khunjerab
65 margalla hills
66 Chitral gol
67 Hingol National park
68 WILDLIFE sanctuaries
69 General rules of game reserve
70 LIST of wildlife sanctuaries
71 Astore wildlife sanctuary
72 Baltistan wildlife sanctuary
73 Cholistan wildlife sanctuary
74 HUb
75 chasma

76 kutch of wildlife sanctuary
77 Game reserve concept
78 general rules of GAME RESERVE.
79 LIST of game reserve
80 Tooshi game reserve.
81 Sukkur And Gaddu Barrage
82 Kilik Mintaka Game Reserve
83 ramsar history and concept
84 definition of wetlands
85 importance of wetlands
86 Criteria
87 ramsar sites of Pakistan
88 Introduction
89 industrial t wetland
90 invasive species

91 Pollution 2
92 climatic change 3
93 vegetation
94 Dams
95 zoo history
96 zoo history II
97 objectives
98 categories
99 general rules
100 administrative pattern
101 enclosure
102 hygiene & feeding
103 animal care
104 vet services
105 breeding of the animals

106 maintainence of record.
107 Education and research
108 visitors facilities
109 planing and development
110 categories i
111 measures to save ED sp
112 list of Endangered sp of Pakaistan
113 Snow Leopard
114 Snow Leopard (2)
115 Snow Leopard (3)
116 striped hyanea
117 striped hyanea 1
118 Sand Dune Cat
119 Sand Dune Cat distribution
120 Sand Dune Cat threats and conservation

121 Panther
122 Panther II
123 Panther distribution
124 Wild Ass
125 Wild Ass distribution
126 Marco polo sheep
127 marco polo sheep distribution
128 indian bustrad des
129 great indian butard distribution
130 Indus Dolphin (1)
131 indus dolphin distribution
132 saker falcon des.
133 saker distribution
134 wolly squral des
135 indian pangolin des
136 indian pangolin threats

137 hig deer des
138 hod deer threats
139 kashmir flying catecher
140 indian spotted eagle
141 Spotted eagle threats
142 Egyptiann fruit eagle
143 Egyptian fruit eagle beha threatrs
144 indian vulture des
145 indian vulture threats
146 concept ,definitions
147 objectives.
148 multidisc.apparoch
149 pre project
150 planning prep
151 Post release.

152 leopard cat
153 leopard cat threats
154 jungle cat
155 jungle cat -2
156 red lynx cat 1
157 red lynx cat
158 Fishing cat
159 Rhesus Monkey
160 Brown Bear
161 Brown Bear 2
162 Black Bear
163 Black Bear -2
164 Cheetal
165 Barking Deer
166 Musk Deer

167 Kashmir Stag
168 Wild Sheep
169 Urial and species
170 ovis o.punj.
171 Wild Goats
172 types of goats Naemorhedus
173 Hemitragus & Pseudois
174 Capra
175 Capra hircus
176 Capra ibex & falconeri
177 Antelopes
178 Nilgai
179 Chinkara
180 Black Buck
181 Foxes

182 Hyaenas
183 Wild Dogs
184 Wolf
185 Civets
186 Martens
187 Badgers
188 Otters
189 Common Peafowl
190 Common Peafowl - distribution
191 Cheer
192 Cheer - 2
193 Cheer pheasant distribution
194 Koklass
195 Monal - 1
196 Monal -II

197 Chukor - 1
198 Chukor -II
199 Trangopan - I
200 Trangopan - II
201 Houbara Bustard