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MKT621 : Advertising & Promotion

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

Advertising and Promotion will help you understand all the major marketing communication tools: advertising, direct marketing, the Internet, interactive media, sales promotion, public relations, personal selling, as well as social and consumer-driven media. You will also be able to know how to research and evaluate a company’s marketing and promotional situation and how to use these various functions in developing effective communication strategies and programs.

Course Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, you should be able to:

  • Discuss advertising and promotion and its role in modern marketing.
  • Identify role of advertising and promotion in the overall marketing program.
  • Understand market segmentation and positioning.
  • Analyze the communications process.
  • Determine the methods for allocating the promotional budget.
  • Identify the promotional mix elements that form the basis of the integrated marketing communications program.
  • Plan and develop the creative strategy and advertising campaign and examine the creative process.
  • Examine how a media plan is developed
  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the broadcast media (TV and radio) as well as issues regarding the purchase of radio and TV time and audience measurement.
  • Evaluate the role of support media such as outdoor and transit advertising and some of the many new media alternatives.
  • Explain rapidly growing areas of direct marketing.

Course Calendar

1 Introduction, Importance of Advertising, Definition of Advertising
2 Advantages of Advertising, History of Advertising
3 Classification of Advertisements, Function of Advertising, Impact of Advertising
4 Practical Benefits, Ethics in Dvertising, Advertising- a Marketing Tool
5 Assembling Marketing Mix, Product Life Cycle
6 Product Life Cycle; Marketing Plan;
7 Advertising Agencies
8 Advertising Objectives, Positioning
9 Branding; Creative Strategies
Assignment No. 1
10 Designing Message; Message Structure; Basic Terms
11 Advertising Research
12 Communication Objectives; Pre-Testing; Media Research
13 Account Planning
Quiz No. 1
14 Communication Models; Messege Effectiveness Factors
15 Deciding The Theme
16 Persuasive Advertisement Strategy
Quiz No. 2
17 Advertising Apeals; Media Mix Decisions
18 The Creative Process
GDB No. 1
19 Creativity vs. Profit
20 Weasel Words; Advertisement Campaigns
21 Sponsorship; Advertising Media
22 Television Advertising; Radio Advertising; Cable TV; Transit Advertising; Billboards Adver
Midterm Exam
23 Internet Buzzwords; Importance, Objectives, Types and Challenges of Online Advertising
24 Tools for Online Advertising; The Promotional Mix; Promotional Planning Process
25 Features, Types, and Importance of Sales Promotion
26 Advantages and Disadvantages of Publicity; Personal selling; International Advertising
27 Analysis of Marketing Environment
28 How to Make a Successful Plan
29 Promoting Business in Low Cost; How to Identify Customers.
30 Channel Buyers
31 Keeping Clients; Being Top Account Executive; Managing Advertising Agency.
Quiz No. 3
32 Duty of Boss of Ad Agency; Advertising Without an Agency; Logo and Corporate Identity.
33 Ad Production; Types of Newspaper Ads; Newspaper Ad Design Tips.
34 Magazines; Radio; Television.
35 Utility of Radio, TV, Newspapers, Magazines; Direct Mail
36 Point of Purchase; Bill Boards; Transit Ad; Ad Specialities; Limits of Advertising.
37 Planning Campaign; Evaluating Brands; How to Understands Ads.
38 Low vs. High Involvement; Maximizing Impect; Web Advertising.
39 Buy-Ology of Mind; Making Good Ad Campaigns.
40 How to Rise to the Top
41 Lessons for success; Creating Design that Sells
42 Creating Design that Sells; Designing on Computer
43 Benefit List; Demographics; Target Market; Competitors
44 Definitions
45 Concept of An Ad
Final Term Exams