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MKT624 : Brand Management

Course Overview

Course Synopsis

This course focuses on understanding of brand and differentiates between brand assets and value. The purpose of this course is to prepare students to implement the concepts of branding and practice brand management. Students will also learn that how brands create value for the customers as well as for the company, and understand the various dimensions of brand management. It also touches strategic implications of branding, brand diversity , and the types of brands and the challenges of modern markets. Students will be equipped with the knowledge of why brands need identity, positioning, and why and how brands are managed in a competitive market?

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, you should be able to:

  • Possess the necessary branding knowledge and skills to understand and function effectively in a global environment.
  • Explain the brand management concepts and applications.
  • Describe the basic branding principles.
  • Demonstrate analytical and creative skills and a systematic understanding of brand management informed by current debates, new developments in knowledge and established theories.
  • Explain the treatment of brand-product strategies, brand extensions and financial evaluations.
  • Carry out an authoritative analysis about establishing an identity and exploiting it.
  • Discuss why branding is of strategic importance.
  • Develop a cultural sensitivity.

Course Calendar

1 Understanding Brands-Introduction
2 Introduction (Contd...)
3 Brand Manifestations/ Fundamentals
4 Brand Manifestations/ Fundamentals (Contd...)
5 Brand Challenges
6 Strategic Brand Management
7 Brand Vision
8 Building Brand Vision
9 Building Brand Vision (Contd...)
Assignment No. 1
10 Brand Picture
11 Brand Persona
12 Brand Contract
13 Brand Contract (Contd...)
Quiz No. 1
14 Brand Contract (Contd...)
15 Brand Based Customer Model
16 Brand Based Customer Model (Contd...)
Quiz No. 2
17 Positioning
18 Positioning (Contd...)
GDB No. 1
19 Positioning - Guiding Principles
20 Positioning - Guiding Principles (Contd...)
21 Brand Extension
22 Line Extension
Midterm Exam
23 Brand Extension/ Diversification
24 Positioning – The Base of Extension
25 Developing the Model of Brand Extension
26 Brand Portfolio
27 Brand Architecture
28 Brand Architecture (Contd...)
29 Channels of Distribution (Contd…)
30 Creating Value
31 Co-Branding
Quiz No. 3
32 Customer Response Hierarchy
33 Advertising
34 Advertising (Contd...)
35 Sales Promotions
36 Other Communication Tools
37 Pricing
38 Pricing (Contd...)
39 Return on Brand Investment
40 Brand Dynamics
41 Brand-Based Organization
42 Service Brands
43 Brand Planning
44 Brand Planning Process
45 Brand Plan
Final Term Exams